"Cast your fears on God and he will sustain you..." (Psalm 55:22)

"For nothing is impossible with God" (Luke 1:37)

Thursday, March 25, 2010


First of all, I was so excited to see my "first follower"...Hi Jenny and thank you for answering my questions re the assisted hatching. I think part of the reason we were so nervous about doing it was the fact that we were only aware of it the day before the transfer and so not enough time to get our heads around it. Hopefully this lil one will be strong enough to 'hatch' out on its own.

My Emotions are running the full gamut...happy, nervous, sad....and it goes on. No symptoms at least none that I can really feel is indicative of a pregnancy. My boobs are not sore at least not that I can tell. My left boob feels a bit odd but not sore more of a stretchy feeling. Bit crampy today but that may be due to a cyst that I have on my left ovary.

Another day...rolls along.

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